The year didn’t quite start as I’d hoped it would.
Instead of being able to do the fourth seasonal parkrun on New Years day – I was in bed with a bit of a head cold.
Having got my exercise plan all laid out in TrainingPeaks, it was a bit disappointing to have to start 2025 in bed, resting up. I had to convince myself to take a long-term perspective and make sure I got over this illness before I started training.
Well a few days later, the illness passed, and I got out to do my runs. The second week in Jan allowed me to hit 7/7 active days – 3 runs, 3 weight training sessions and a wonderful 7k walk with my dog Django yesterday.
I do have a Garmin training plan telling me I should run; but it’s -1*C here today; my weekly mileage needs building up slowly – and this morning on the dog walk I saw a runner stack it on some ice (on trail, rather than tarmac). Today’s going to be a rest day, a bit of reflection – and I’ll pick up my training tomorrow.